Sunday, April 30, 2017

Alright, alright, alright !!

Well this is the last day of our normal conformist lifestyle. I figured I would make my first entry
here on our blog and you will certainly be able to tell before you finish why I don't do more entries.
Linda is the wordsmith in the family and I am glad to let her handle those duties. I will have much more
mundane responsibilities as we head out to meet the world and all the remarkable places and people we are
sure to encounter.
Let me start by saying this is SCARY, I have been a slave to the "system" for 40+ years so old habits
are hard to let go of. We have spent the last week selling and giving away everything we own and I mean everything. If it don't figure into our survival and fit in the Camry then it was jettisoned. So here we are
both of us unemployed (first time since I was 14 years old) also no permanent address, just a PO box so that there is some sort of anchor to allow us, in some form or fashion to maintain "roots". With the money
we made in the "great sell off" I think we can last about 2 weeks maybe 3 without changing our lifestyle.
So in addition to all the other sacrifices we are making for what we are sure is a spiritual soul awakening
we are both going to have to also jettison our cigarette and diet coke addictions (this scares me the most)
if we are going to make the money last as long as is necessary to effect the changes and enlightenment we
so desperately seek.
If the creator had not spoken clearly to both Linda and I at exactly the same time with exactly the same message when we were miles apart in location I would probably be at work today and still in that same 'ole rut for years to come. So with that said, yes we are crazy but this decision is going to be one of the sanest I have made in all my 56 years, it is with that conviction that allows me to do this very quickly and with all the confidence one soul can have in this life. We will be alright,alright,alright!
Earlier this week as the chaos and uncertainty set in with my beautiful wife Linda, you see she has always been a nester and this most certainly put those instincts to the test and it was difficult for me
to watch her struggle with this, me not so much. I have had to start over from scratch a couple of times in this life so, if, and I use the word "if" loosely this does not play out like the universe(GOD) so clearly showed both of us that it would then I have experience at picking up the pieces and starting all over again. Linda on the other hand has always had security when it comes down to an income and a home. I know she is capable of amazing resilience and determination I just hope that we don't have to rely on those traits to jump back into the "world" should this all turn out to be lesson in humility and we come back tail between our legs,hat in hand and die as unfulfilled as when we were blessed with this calling.
I don't know about Linda but for myself, and I alluded to it earlier, some sacrifices are going to have to be made by me to give this mission of ours all the legs it is gonna need to be life changing for us as well as EVERYONE we encounter along the way. But I am not looking at them as sacrifices but more like tools I can barter with to help facilitate the change needed on this planet. In an effort to be succinct I will list just 3 of the most painful things I am going to trade with the Universe for things in return that I will gain along this journey that will help not only me but Linda and anyone we are blessed with spending time with along the way. OK Universe, tomorrow morning I will give up my 2+ pack a day cigarette addiction,my 5-6 diet cokes and then there is TV, damn that might be the hardest of all. In return Universe, I am expecting to get love,laughter,peace and hopefully some spiritual maturity that can only be obtained when you finally realize that there really is only one religion and one law, that is LOVE.
Please do not let me mislead you, what we are doing is selfish. WE know that if everywhere we go we give GOOD then we will in return, get Good. So folks that are out there following our progress or lack thereof, if you would on occasion look to the heavens and ask that our journey be everything and MORE than we envisioned. Thank You, Namaste' and God Bless to you and yours til our next installment from the road.

This is me today, one content SOB and appearing happy


This is me after we embark on our path. Bliss=peace

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