I love dreaming! I feel sorry for people that say they don’t dream or that don’t remember their dreams. I come from a long line of dreamers! Oh- I’m not talking about the MLK "I have a dream…” type of thing. I mean DREAM- like the unconscious state where your subconscious mind takes the lead and shows you things, people, places, lessons!
My dad had a dream in the mid 1970s. In the dream God spoke to him and it changed his life. My dad lived every day of the rest of his life according to the message that God gave him that one night. He believed it and so did I. If you knew my dad for more than five minutes, he probably told you the story, his story. It became his guiding light.
My grandmother had a reoccurring dream that someone in the family caught a fish and every single time she had that dream, she knew somebody in the family was pregnant or soon would be! True story!
Regardless of your stance on dreams and their meanings, indulge me. Let me tell you about a dream I had several years ago…
In my dream there were many people gathered at the starting line of a race, some of them were people that I knew- but not all were familiar. I was there too, getting lined up to run- stretching, breathing, focusing, yada yada yada. We were getting ready for the race to begin when someone began handing out bicycles. Every person in the race was given a bike which they were required to use during the race. It was mandatory. You could not enter the race without it.
Some of the bikes were seriously great! New fancy 10 speeds with all terrain tires that would take their lucky rider anywhere! There were mountain bikes, racing bikes, three wheeled bikes, bikes with bells and lights and bikes with baskets and backseats. Some bikes had four wheels, some six, some had only one. There were bikes that were more rust or duct tape than anything else. Some with more missing or broken parts than working ones. Some had no tires, some had flat tires, some had only badly bent or damaged tires.
I looked at my bike. Square tires. Two square tires. Riding that thing across the finish line was going to be horrible! How was I going to finish the race on 2 square tires? It would be like riding a pogo stick to the finish line! I felt defeated before the race even started.and then I woke up.
Dreams like these are so vivid- I can draw them more easily than I can describe them. So colorful and vivid and so full of meaning. Have you already guessed it? The meaning of my dream?
Three things I learned- like 3 Post-it-note messages left for my conscious mind to see.
1. Persevere. We all have different struggles. Some of us have more gifts than others- some of us have more broken or missing parts than working ones. I remind myself daily. Just finish your race. Use what the Creator gave you- to the best of your ability. If that means we’ve got to drag –push-carry or ride- to the finish line then so be it. Persevere.
And lesson #2 when I start to feel sorry for myself for the uncomfortable teeth jarring ride on my square tires- look around. In life, as in my dream-
2. Be grateful. Some have it worse- some have it much worse. Be thankful for what I DO have as well as for what I DONT.
And oh don’t forget the lucky few with the great bikes- their race finished before mine hardly began. Don’t waste time or energy envying others. We are all different. Our life lessons are as varied as we are. We have each been given unique abilities and disabilities, eases or diseases- that the Creator knows will help us grow during our race. Yes some have it easier- but not all do. Be happy that some experience a more pleasant race but also consider – sometimes the bike only looks awesome on the outside.
3 Don’t judge others. Period.
So, tell me my friends. What kind of bike were you given for the race? No matter where you are in the equipment line-up be sure that you are ok. You are right where you are supposed to be with the perfect bike to help you grow!
Namaste my friends and Peace for every step (or peddle) of your journey! Now back to these square tires!
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